Form 2


Skills for Supported Living Pathway

Welcome to Form 2

Form 2 is a Pathway 2 class following a ‘Skills for Supported Living’ curriculum. There is a large focus on continuing to develop the student’s independence and their life skills.

Our curriculum is also focussed on developing their basic English and Maths functional skills. For example, on a Thursday morning we will continue the Form 2 tradition of preparing ‘sausage butties’ which are sold to other students and staff across the college.

In addition to this, we have a day and half allocated to our Vocational course. In the Autumn term, for example, the theme is ‘Design and Build’ which will allow the students to develop a wide range of skills which could be useful in the world of work in the future. There will also be opportunities for students to take part in a variety of work experience opportunities, for example, working in the college kitchen.

Hilary Taylor


Michelle Lambert

Support Staff

Yabe Abraham

Support Staff