
Woolston 6th Form College provides education for learners aged 16 - 19 with severe, complex, profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD) including Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD).  Woolston 6th Form promotes high standards of learning and teaching in preparation for Adulthood. 

In accordance with the EQUALs scheme of work, PSHE Association SEND Framework, PfA Outcomes and Local Authority guidelines, Preparation for Adulthood (PfA) will form an integral part of the teaching of all pupils at each level of ability.  Emphasis will be placed on an active, whole- college approach to learning.  PfA will be taught as a discreet subject in a cross-curricular way within lessons across the pathways to enhance good practice and support our student’s journey to independence and pathway to adulthood. 

Woolston 6th Form will promote the protection and development of students by a whole college approach, ensuring that positive health messages are delivered through a broad and balanced curriculum, raising self-esteem and developing independence skills for a healthy lifestyle.