The timetable at Woolston 6th Form has been developed to provide a broad and balanced curriculum offer that is based upon the Preparation for Adulthood Framework, in line with Warrington Authority’s Local Offer.
The aim of our curriculum is to provide our students with the knowledge, skills, and understanding they need to live as independently as possible, making informed choices, and being able to ensure their voice is heard through the use of their chosen method of communication.
Lessons cover a variety of topics enhancing student learning in: Preparation for Adulthood (PfA), Creative, Fitness & Wellbeing, Personal Development (PD), Careers and Vocational opportunities, alongside Maths and English, taught in a functional way. Students are taught independent living and employability skills in line with their bespoke pathway objectives, supporting them to fulfil their potential. Several lessons are directed by student voice/choice, with taster sessions of a subject being accessed prior to the student making a choice which subject learning they would like to pursue for the rest of the year/term.
Social interaction and communication skills are enhanced by having a functional, cross-curricular approach and by accessing opportunities to explore the local community. Students are appropriately supported and challenged to develop skills such as independent travel, accessing the local services for health and leisure, and undertaking work experience opportunities.