Hello we are form 7 and we join form 6 in the Skills for Employability Pathway. This academic year our focus will be on giving our students as much experience around the world of work as possible. This will be met through a range of activities such as exploring the community and engaging in both external and internal work experience placements.
Following a functional skills curriculum provides the students with the essential skills needed for independence and employability. We will be working on an enterprise topic which incorporates these essential skills thus further developing the student’s skills.
As a form we will be visiting the local shops to purchase items for snack and our enterprise project. The students will be making their own snacks daily to encourage those ever important independent life skills.
To track the student’s progress we will upload photographic evidence weekly on the Evidence for Learning App. This is a nice way of seeing what the students are doing in college. The app also allows for parent’s feedback which is much appreciated.
Form 7
Fazeleh Keshtkar
Michael Mooney
Support staff
Rosie Pike
Support Staff
Rachel Scott
Support Staff Level 2