Statement of Intent & Policies

Statutory Documents

Health & Safety

The Governing Bodies of Woolston College from both Foxwood and Green Lane schools,  recognise their responsibility under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 to provide a safe and healthy environment for the teaching and non- teaching staff, the pupils and other people who come onto the premises.


The Governing Bodies will take all reasonably practicable steps within their power to fulfil this responsibility.


The Governing Bodies will operate within the structure and framework of Warrington Local Authority, as detailed in the Warrington Health & Safety Policy, and will where reasonably practicable apply all health and safety instructions and advice issued by the Local Authority and other enforcing bodies.


The college, under direction from both schools, will ensure that risk assessments are conducted, recorded and implemented to guarantee so far as is reasonably practicable the provision and maintenance of:

  • safe premises, plant and systems of work;
  • safe methods of using, handling, storing and transporting of articles and substances;
  • suitable and sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable all employees to avoid hazards and contribute positively to their own safety and health at work;
  • a safe working environment with adequate arrangements for the welfare of employees and;
  • safe access to, and egress from, places of work including procedures for evacuation in an emergency.

Adequate facilities and arrangements will be maintained to consult with employees, trade union representatives and the relevant internal and external safety agencies, to encourage a joint approach to the management of health safety and welfare.


All employees have a legal obligation to take reasonable care for their own health and safety, for the safety of others and to co-operate with the Governing Boy and Head Teacher in fulfilling the schools’ statutory duties. The Governing Body will review the Health and Safety policy  annually to ensure the health, safety and welfare of staff, pupils and others.